Seamlessly handling application life-cycles and underpinning IT and networking resources.
On top of a federated infrastructure that includes Cloud, Edge, far edge, and data sources from multiple stakeholders,
Cloud Edge Computing Continuum: IT's natural evolution
Provisioning of computation and storage, which was traditionally bound to centralized data centres (DC), while keeping the application logic and intelligence at the centralized cloud. The emergence of new services has necessitated moving the processing of data closer to end-users and data producers.
Objectives & Ambition
A novel architecture for Cloud Edge Continuum including the far edge
A new enablers for microservice-based applications deployment in CECC
New federation model as well as trust and security enablers to accelerate resource sharing in CECC
Integrate data management as a PaaS in CECCM
Zero-touch management and configuration of application LCM
Green-oriented zero-touch configuration and management of the CECC infrastructure
Towards end-to-end CECC network programmability